Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gym, what gym?

I haven't worked out at all over the summer.

I didn't really see going to classes when I have to leave to go to the bathroom every five minutes. I'm sure everyone has seen that "Gotta go, gotta go!" commercial. It is a little better and I can go about an hour or two. My thyroid was also out of whack and with a slight increase in my Levothyroxine, I am no longer taking three hour naps every day! It is a good thing that my two older kids are very self-sufficient when they want to be, or I wouldn't have been able to do that. We are all glad I am more coherent and less tired these days. I still have a couple of issues like my hands shaking on and off throughout the day and "heat intolerance." And NO, I am not in menopause, yet! Thirty-seven is just a couple of weeks away, so I'm not quite a geezer, yet.

I have two in school full-time! A kindergartner (starts on Monday) and a fourth grader! They are gone from about 8:10 a.m. until 4:10 p.m. I am SO thankful for the bus. The other one will be starting back to preschool two days a week on my birthday, September 2nd! Yeah!

I love all my kids, but this summer got a little old. For some reason, when one starts talking they all chime in. I even started letting them watch a DVD on the way to our neighborhood pool -- two minutes away!

I hope everyone had a great summer and is able to slide into Fall and school openings without too much trouble!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Four and counting....

Summer vacation is here. Yee haw! I don't think it will be too bad except for trying to fit in a regular exercise routine. Volleyball will be wrapping up in a couple of weeks and I've really been enjoying that, especially since our team has started winning a few matches.

I finished up a fourth Fit Camp a week ago. This one was pretty mild, considering it was only four weeks and three times a week. I don't think I stopped being sore until the month was over. I'll definitely have to sign back up in the fall when the kids are back in school. I'll be at the gym taking them to swim lessons and things like that, but don't want to commit to anything else right now.

The funniest thing about this 10 lb. weight gain (muscle!) and 3% body fat loss is that none of my clothes from last summer fit b/c they are too tight and all my bathing suits are too big in the top. Doh! I think I was still nursing the youngest when I wore these bathing suits, so now I'm on the hunt for a new one. Since my midriff will not be seeing the light of day anytime soon, bikinis are definitely off the list. And I learned the hard way not to take my daughter shopping with me. I took her with me one time into the dressing room and after she said, in her loud little voice "Mommy, you look pregnant!" and hearing the other women in the dressing room snickering that it was the last time for that!